
ONE ACT CAST AND CREW-- we still need people for tomorrow's concession stand--the sign-up is outside Mr Moeller's room!

Congratulations to the Wisner-Pilger play production team, which took championship honors at the C1-3 district contest yesterday! With the win, the Gators advance to the "C1" state championships Thursday, December 8th, and they will perform at Norfolk High School's Johnny Carson Theater at 3 PM! It is the seventh time W-P has qualified for state, and the first time since 2013! Gator performers earning "outstanding performance" recognition were McKenna Slonecker, Izzy Manning, Owen Heller, Jose Ramirez, Karl Steinmeyer, Brynn Oswald, and Laura Ramirez-Torres! A team picture will be taken sometime during first period today for the newspaper.

GIRLS TRACK: We will have concessions December 1 and January 14 (morning). Please plan on working at one of the two concession stands. Thank you!!

Students attending Close-Up... The second payment for Close-Up is now past due. The third payment is due on December 20th.

Holiday Food Drive Competition... Student Council is sponsoring a food drive to benefit our local food banks. Please donate by bringing canned or shelf-stable foods to school. Donations can be dropped off at the tree by the study hall area. The goal is to collect 1,000 items. If the goal is met, students will earn a pajama and popcorn day on the last day of school!

Job Opportunity... December 10th beginning at noon, help is needed moving items from one storage unit to another (heavy lifting will be involved). Please stop by the front office for more details including pay and a number to call if interested. Thank You!

Juniors... The Greater Omaha Council Bluffs Area Council on Youth Leadership has opened applications for the 2023 "Youth Salute". Awards include a photographic banner displayed at school and an opportunity to win scholarships and a national leadership experience. To qualify a student must: (1) be a high school junior, (2) Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, and (3) have held two leadership positions within the past two years in school, religious, or community sponsored organizations. Students who qualify should apply at The deadline to apply is December 18th. See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.

National Honor Society Readers... Friday - Jose. Readers for next week... Monday - Reader needed, Tuesday - Alea & Danica, Wednesday - Addi, Thursday - Maggie & Mackensie, and Friday - Laura.