
Seniors The following Seniors need to turn in their cap and gown information for graduation: Riley-Joe Boese, Gauge Bramble, Reece Dimon, Isabella Manning, Cynthia Sanchez Benitez, Blake Smith, Carson Urwiler, Ryan Woitaszewski.

Happy Birthday today to... Gabe Liermann, Aidan McBride, August Scholting and Anna Uhing!!

Seniors... remember to turn in your college visit/job shadow verification form. Turn them in the the front office or Mrs. Reese. We need this to excuse your absence from Wednesday. Forms are needed from: Emily Buhrman, Owen Heller, Ashlyn Lauck, Isabella Manning, Laura Ramirez-Torres, Cynthia Sanchez Benitez, McKenna Slonecker, and Ryan Woitaszewski. Thank You!


Coat and Sweatshirt Drive... We will be collecting coats and sweatshirts until November 1st for the Norfolk Shelter. All sizes from babies to adult are needed. Please drop off in the box by Mrs. Reese's room. Items need to be clean and in good condition. Thank You for your support!!

Juniors... fundraising packets and money need to be turned into the office this week.

A representative from Wayne State College will be here during lunch on Tuesday, October 18th. Stop by to see what WSC has to offer.

Seniors... senior pictures are needed for the yearbook. Please get them to Mrs. Bodwell as soon as possible.

National Honor Society Readers... Thursday - Mackensie, and Friday - Addi. Readers for next week... Monday - Austin, Tuesday - Cameryn, Wednesday - Alea & Danica, and Thursday - Emma & Owen. Reader needed for October 25 - thanks again for reading to the kindergarten!