

Happy Birthday today to... Ramsey Arduser!! Axton Lantz!! and Dakota Taber!!

Seniors... please send a senior picture to Mrs. Bodwell for the yearbook (this is different than the other request that has been in the announcements). Please email to

Conference Basketball Games... Wisner-Pilger Girls will play West Point-Beemer Friday, January 28th, 6pm at Oakland-Craig. Wisner-Pilger Boys will play Pender Saturday, January 29th, 6pm at North Bend Central.

This Thursday (Jan. 27) is “TeamMates at the Ballgame” at the high school. Mentees and their mentors are invited to join us for the game. Check your email for details!

Any junior girls interested in attending the American Legion Auxiliary Cornhusker Girls State this summer should let Mrs. Reese know by Friday, January 28th. Stop by the counseling office if you have any questions.

Seniors... it is time to start making preparations for the graduation slide show... as soon as possible please email your senior picture and a baby picture to Thank You!

Menu Change for this week... for lunch we will have Hamburger Soup on Thursday.

NHS reading lab readers: Thursday - Ella B., and Friday - Bryant P. & Brittney U. Readers for next week... Monday - Kayla & Kyla, Tuesday - Bryant, Wednesday - Linsdey & Brittney, Thursday - Olivia & Maggie, and Friday - Hilary.