
Happy Birthday today to... Tycin Lampman!!

The following NHS members need to find a time to meet with Mrs. Glaubius: Joslyn J., Lily O., Kayla S., Riley T., Brittney U., and August S.

Phone Found... Claim at the front office.

Parents We have some pans left in the front office from the Friday night sports booster meal.

Juniors.... Prom meeting Thursday, January 20th at 7:40 a.m. in Mrs. Olson's room. Class officers and any junior interested in being on the prom committee should attend.

Wisner Food Pantry has an abundance of items. If you or someone you know is in need of food items contact Kay at the Wisner Senior Center 402-529-3252.

The late registration deadline for the February 12th ACT is January 21st. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Late fees will apply. Register at

Seniors... it is time to start making preparations for graduation... as soon as possible please email your senior picture and a baby picture to Thank You!

Students interested in being a lifeguard at the Wisner City pool may pick up an application at the front office. Applicants must be 15 and take the lifeguard class.

NHS reading lab readers: Thursday - Hilary, and Friday - Mackensie & Addi A.