

Happy Birthday on Saturday to... Laura Kinnison!!

Sophomores have tomorrow's concession. stand... we still have five slots to fill...and there are inducements for taking part! See Moeller during English class or check your Canvas announcements!

Incredibly necessary speech team meeting right after school today in Mr. Moeller's room! Tomorrow's schedule, food reminders and more! Be there--aloha!

Parents of Winter Sports Athletes... please provide a dessert for the Sports Booster Meal Fundraiser on January 14th. Desserts may be brought to the high school office during the day on Friday, January 14th or brought to the high school cafeteria before the game starts.

Juniors.... Prom meeting Thursday, January 20th at 7:40 a.m. in Mrs. Olson's room. Class officers and any junior interested in being on the prom committee should attend.

Girls Track will have concessions on Monday, January 17th. Please sign up for a shift to work that day. Thank you!!

The late registration deadline for the February 12th ACT is January 21st. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Late fees will apply. Register at

Seniors... it is time to start making preparations for graduation... as soon as possible please email your senior picture and a baby picture to Thank You!

Speech team members... get signed up for your Speech Jersey outside Mr. Moeller's room! Remember that this year the senior members will pick out the colors, so do that ASAP!

Students interested in being a lifeguard at the Wisner City pool may pick up an application at the front office. Applicants must be 15 and take the lifeguard class.

NHS reading lab readers: Reader needed for Monday, January 17 and Monday, January 24.