
Happy Belated Birthday to... Blaine Bellar on January 2nd!! and Shelby Braun on January 3rd!!

Happy Birthday today to... Bria Hassler!!

St. Joseph's Catholic Church Religious Education Students: Classes resume this Wednesday, January 5th for all grades(K-12th).

WRESTLING FANS: There will be a Soup Lunch, featuring chili and chicken noodle soups, from 11-1 on Saturday, Jan. 8, during the Wisner-Pilger Wrestling Tournament. It is hosted by the Wisner-Pilger TeamMates, with all proceeds going to the Wisner-Pilger TeamMates Scholarship Fund.

Parents of Winter Sports Athletes... please provide a dessert for the Sports Booster Meal Fundraiser on January 14th. Desserts may be brought to the high school office during the day on Friday, January 14th or brought to the high school cafeteria before the game starts.

GATOR SPEECHERS... there will be a brief meeting right after school today with the sole intention of getting you signed up twice this week and twice next week for the upcoming Practice Makes Perfekt meet! Then we will practice from 4-5:45!

The registration deadline for the February 12th ACT is January 7th. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at

MUSIC BOOSTERS will have concessions for the Wisner-Pilger Wrestling Invite on January 8th, 2022. Senior High Band/Choir students should sign up to work a shift with Mr. Dennis, Mr. Dozler, or in the high school office. We will also need at least 2 parent sponsors per shift. Parents can contact Mr. Dennis, Mr. Dozler, or the high school office to sign up for a shift. Those include: Shift 1 - 9:30am - 12:00pm, Shift 2 - 12:00pm - 2:30pm, and Shift 3 - 2:30pm - 5:00pm. Thanks in advance for your help

NHS reading lab readers: Wednesday - Lindsey, Thursday - Olivia & Maggie, and Friday - Lily.