
Happy Birthday today to... Mia McNutt!!

Holiday Food Drive Competition. Beginning on Wednesday, December 1st, Student Council is sponsoring a food drive to benefit our local food banks. We will be competing with the elementary to see who can collect the most items! If our building meets our goal of collecting at least 1000 items, we will earn a pajama and movie day on the last day of school this semester. Please donate by bringing canned or shelf-stable foods to school starting Wednesday!

The following juniors must have their pie reorder forms to the high school office by Thursday, December 2nd. Emily Buhrman, Carson Urwiler, Craigen Labenz, Bryant Peck, Gauge Bramble, Laura Ramirez-Torres, Kyle Rehak, and Addisyn Albers

The following seniors need to see Mr. Cornell regarding Close-Up as soon as possible...Kalliah, Dom, Kaleb, Spencer, Skye, Joslyn, Hilary, Sofie, Beau, Adison, and Tyson.

NHS reading lab readers: Thursday - Kennedie, and Friday - Hilary. Wednesday's reading lab will take place in the elementary library. Readers for next week... Monday - Riley, Tuesday - Joslyn, Wednesday - Kennedie, Thursday - Spencer, and Friday - Gwen.