
Happy Birthday on Friday to... Logan Nelson!! and on Sunday to... Brayden Smith!!

Close Up Students... the third and final payment for close up was due on Monday the 20th. We have 8 students that still need to make this payment. Thank You!!

Juniors-Concession stand shifts for Monday, November 29th. Remember, if you are unable to work, you need to find a replacement. 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. 1. Gauge Bramble 2. Reece Dimon 3. Bryant Peck 4. Laura Ramirez-Torres 5. Samuel Good 6:30 p.m. - close 1. Olivia Keller 2. Ashlyn Lauck 3. Mackenzie Polenske 4. Emberly Aguirre 5. Blake Smith 6. Maria Chohon (7:00-close) 7. Tammy Schweers (after girls game)

ONE ACT CAST and CREW... Your practice and performance schedules for next week have been posted on your lockers--have a great Thanksgiving and we'll see you Monday!

Sophomores... greenery will be delivered on Monday and you will be notified when your order is ready for pick up.

Fun at Home for the Holiday... CHICS is accepting donations of NEW family board games, books, puzzles and crafts for children of all ages. There is a collection box in the High School Commons area. Thank You!!

NHS reading lab readers: Monday - Hilary, Tuesday - Kyla & Kayla, Wednesday - Lindsey, Thursday - Kennedie, and Friday - Hilary. Wednesday's reading lab will take place in the elementary library.