
Boys Track... Please turn in your track uniforms, wind suit warm-ups, and any equipment that you have to Mr. Burki this week - before you leave for the summer. Thank You!

Happy Birthday today to... William Schraeder!!

Computer Cleaning and Check-In: 7th & 8th Grad e You will go through the cleaning and checkout process with Mrs. Kreikemeier on Monday and Tuesday. You will be instructed by your teachers when this is going to happen. Please make sure to have your computer and your charger with you all week next week in your bag.9th - 11th grade Make make sure you clean computers and chargers Monday through Wednesday. PLEASE follow the process noted in the library. Checkout sheets will stay in the library in the designated class folder. You WILL NOT check your computer in on Thursday without cleaning it first. Your computers will be checked in on Thursday morning during your English periods. Do not come in prior to that unless you have made arrangements with Mrs. Kreikemeier MAKE SURE ALL DOCUMENTS, MUSIC, PHOTOS ARE SAVED TO ANOTHER DEVICE BECAUSE ALL MACHINES WILL EITHER BE UPDATED OR ERASED OVER THE SUMMER. Also make sure you computer number and your charger number match before you check them in.

The 2020-2021 school year is coming to a close... we would appreciate all lunch balances being paid to a zero or to have a positive balance by the end of the school year. Thank You!!

NHS Readers: Tuesday - Gwen & Lily, Wednesday - Kayla & Gwen, and Thursday - Ella & Lily. Thank you to all the NHS readers!! Your time spent reading to our kindergarten students is very much appreciated.