Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Thursday, February 25, 2021

FFA TRIVIA QUESTION OF THE DAY... What state grows 99% of the U.S. pistachios? Turn in your answer at the front office or the Ag classroom. Answer to yesterday's trivia question... What mammal has the longest gestation length in the world? African Elephant, 660 days

Students interested in going out for golf please stop by the front office to sign up. Sign up by Tuesday, March 2nd.

Good Luck to Swimmers at State Swimming!!!

FFA members we will be taking a chapter picture right away during Flex period today. Meet in the North Gym.

Congratulations to the Wisner-Pilger Gator speech team which won the East Husker Conference's North Division championship yesterday at Lyons! The Gators had five champions in nine events! Yesterday's Finalists... Rockney Peck and Bryant Peck--DUET CHAMPION! Bryant Peck--Informative and Poetry CHAMPION! Rockney Peck--Persuasive CHAMPION! Gwen Donner--Humorous Prose CHAMPION! Gwen Donner--Serious Prose Runner-Up! Karl Steinmeyer--Entertainment RUNNER-UP! Jose Ramirez, Tymarie Ott, Audrey Glaubius, Aidan Sateren, and James Kinnison--Third, Drama. Olivia Keller--Fifth, Persuasive. James Kinnison--Fifth, Poetry. Aidan Sateren--Sixth, Extemporaneous. Riley Theroes--Seventh, Serious Prose.

Play practice TONIGHT will begin at 6:25 for all cast and crew. If you have a conflict, you need to let Mr. Dozler or Mrs. Glaubius know BEFORE play practice.

NHS members... There is a concession stand sign up in NHS Canvas. You may count this as a community service project!

IT'S FFA WEEK!!!!! Thursday- Teacher Appreciation Breakfast and FFA t-shirt day (wear your FFA shirt and get a prize), Friday- Hawaiian Cowboy (tropical cowboys and cowgirls get a prize), Friday- Tractor Day (weather pending)

Girls Track Practice... will begin Monday, March 1st. Anyone who wants to lift weights prior to this may do so, but please let the coaches know. Thank You!

Looking for a blind date? There are books in the library just waiting to meet the right person! Just follow the 'dating' guidelines and you could win a gift card....so come check them out!!

Students please return class registration sheets for next year to Mrs. Reese as soon as possible.

An admissions representative from Northeast Community College will be here on Thursday, February 25th during lunch. Stop by to see what NECC has to offer.

NHS Readers: Friday - Hilary. Readers for next week... Monday - Josyln & Lindsey, Tuesday - Macy, Wednesday - Gwen, Thursday - reader needed, and Friday - Aidan & Rockney.