Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Friday, February 05, 2021

Happy Birthday on Saturday to... Macy Stuhr!! and on Sunday to... Anjelina Frederic and Danica Jacobs!!

Any girls that might be interested in going out for girls track... please sign up outside Mrs. Plagge's door. Thank You!!

Speech Team Meeting... after school in Mr. Moeller's room!

Juniors... next week we will begin registration for the 2021-2022 school year! Check your email to sign up for a time to register. Stop by the counseling office if you need help or have questions.

Relay for Life is selling daffodils again this year. There is an order form in the Teachers' Lounges. Orders are due by Friday, February 12. Any questions you have - contact Traci Ebel. THANK YOU!!

NHS Readers: Monday - Beau, Tuesday - Audrey, Wednesday - Liliana, Thursday - Logan & Reagan.