​  Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Picture Retake Day is Thursday, November 12th... Students interested in having their picture retaken, refer to your picture packet you received with your original pictures. If you did not have your picture taken on the original picture day, stop by the front office to pick up a picture order packet.

District FFA speaking events have been postponed until January 2021. FFA Parents Night scheduled for this Thursday, November 12th has also been postponed to January 14th.

Calendar Updates... The Scholarship Work Night and Volleyball Awards scheduled for Tuesday, November 10 have been postponed to Thursday, November 12 (scheduled times will remain the same Scholarship work night 4 to 6:30pm and Volleyball awards 6pm).

Mr. Dennis' flex period that normally meets in the study hall area will meet in the band room this afternoon.

BAND FUNDRAISING ITEMS will be delivered Thursday, November 12th at approximately 2:30pm. Band/Choir parents and/or students should plan on picking their ordered items up between 2:30pm and 5:00pm Thursday afternoon/evening. ABSOLUTELY NO ITEMS WILL BE KEPT. We have limited freezer space, and since items are shipped frozen, they MUST be picked up and either delivered or refrozen immediately after. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Dennis or Mr. Dozler via email and/or phone. Thanks for your continued support!

Relay for life is selling chances for gift cards. Contact Traci Ebel or inquire at the front office if interested in supporting this worthy cause.

Phone turned in to the front office... stop by to claim.

Overdue Library Books - Please return or renew now Caden A., Dallas B., Taylor B., Alfredo C., Jacob D., Kimber E., Angelina F., Samuel G., Ethan G., Ryan H., Ashlyn L., Landree L., Alan M., Cesar M., William Mc., Candice M., Sierra M., Erica P., Hannah P., Veronica G., Evan P., Tiearra P., Keegan P., Kaleb R., Laura R., Jayden S., Maggie S., Miyah T., Brittney U., Thank You!

All W-P senior high students interested in competing in the Lincoln Pius speech meet November 21st see Mr. Moeller or Mrs. Alexander this week!

There will be a Girls Basketball Meeting in the south gym on Thursday, November 12 at 3:50 P.M. If you are planning on playing basketball this year or if you have contacted Coach Fullner about being a student manager, please be there. At the conclusion of the meeting we will have our regular after school open gym from 4 - 5 P.M. See you then!

Basketball shirt order forms... are available at the front office. Orders are due Friday, November 20th.

College Scholarship and Application help... Mrs. Reese will be in the cafeteria Friday during Flex to help with College Scholarships and Applications.

NHS Readers: Thursday - James, and Friday - Aidan. Readers for next week... Monday - Tymarie, Tuesday - Gwen & Riley, Wednesday - Liberty, Thursday - Logan, and Friday - Logan.