Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Monday, November 09, 2020


SFC Dustin Schlote will be here on Tuesday, November 10th during lunch to share information about the National Guard.

College Scholarship and Application help... Mrs. Reese will be in the cafeteria Friday during Flex to help with College Scholarships and Applications.

Basketball shirt order forms... are available at the front office. Orders are due Friday, November 20th.

Gator Volleyball Awards Night is Tuesday, November 10 at 6:00 p.m. in the North Gym. Due to health and safety concerns, there will not be a meal. Masks and/or social distancing are expected of all who attend. We hope to see you there!

ONE ACT PRACTICE Tonight... All cast and crew! Tomorrow night--TECH CREW ONLY!

All W-P senior high students interested in competing in the Lincoln Pius speech meet November 21st see Mr. Moeller or Mrs. Alexander this week!

Scholarship Work Night is Tuesday, November 10th from 4:00-6:30. Seniors are encouraged to attend.

Relay for life is selling chances for gift cards. Contact Traci Ebel or inquire at the front office if interested in supporting this worthy cause.

There will be a Girls Basketball Meeting in the south gym on Thursday, November 12 at 3:50 P.M. If you are planning on playing basketball this year or if you have contacted Coach Fullner about being a student manager, please be there. At the conclusion of the meeting we will have our regular after school open gym from 4 - 5 P.M. See you then!

Overdue Library Books - Please return or renew now Caden A., Dallas B., Taylor B., Alfredo C., Jacob D., Kimber E., Angelina F., Dayton G., Jordyn G., Samuel G., Ethan G., Ryan H., Austin H., Ashlyn L., Landree L., Alan M., Cesar M., William Mc., Candice M., Sierra M., Erica P., Hannah P., Veronica G., Evan P., Tiearra P., Keegan P., Kaleb R., Laura R., Hayden S., Jayden S., Maggie S., Riley T., Miyah T., Brittney U., Thank You!

Retainer found in the gym... claim at the front office. Thank You1

NHS Readers: Tuesday - Audrey, Wednesday - Reagan & Adi, Thursday - James, and Friday - Aidan.