
Happy Birthday today to... Emerson Bellar!!

Registration for Spring Northeast courses will take place in the library during Flex on Tuesday and Thursday this week, November 7th and 9th. Students planning on taking Trigonometry, College Literature, and/or Psychology will need to register. Students may also register for other online classes at this time. Please make sure your password is current and you are able to log in to your MyNortheast account before Monday. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Reese.

Students who plan on dropping a dual credit fall semester class must do so by Friday, November 17th. Please see Mrs. Reese for more information.

FFA members are selling fruit, candies, meat and cheese and prime ribs! Contact a FFA member or Mr. Overturf if you would like to purchase anything. Orders due Tuesday November 7th.

Football Awards Night will be Tuesday, November 7th at 6pm in the high school cafeteria.

Josh Abler, a Chief Avionics Electrical Technician with the U.S. Coast guard, will be here on Monday, November 6th during lunch to talk to students about opportunities with the Coast Guard. Stop by and talk to Josh to learn more about what the Coast Guard has to offer.

Student Council Meeting The November Student Council Meeting will be Tuesday, November 7 at 7:45 in the Jr/Sr High School Library.

NHS elementary reading lab: Tuesday - Alea & Taylor, Wednesday - Karl & Mitch, Thursday - Laura, and Friday - Austin.