
Homecoming Final Voting Students in grades 9-12 will vote for Homecoming King and Queen during Flex today (Wednesday, September 20). The Google Form will only accept responses during Flex. Use this link to vote:

NHS members who took or need posters for our Ronald McDonald community service project may stop by the library to get the corrected copy with their logo. Please replace any posters that you have already placed in businesses.

ALL JUNIORS... stop in the office to pick up their fundraising packet.

Calendar Update/Change... the Thursday, September 28th Junior High Volleyball game against Madison has been cancelled.

Juniors: The fundraiser will take place from September 19th through October 2nd. Turn in all forms and money to the high school office by October 2nd.

FFA members interested in attending National FFA Convention need to download and complete the application that is on Canvas in the National FFA module. Applications are due to Mr. Overturf by Wednesday, Sept. 27th.

HOMECOMING is Friday, September 29th... students may sign up outside dates and pick up outside date forms from the office. Forms are due by Thursday, September 28th.

Homecoming Class Posters - Class sponsors will oversee each Class (Grade) in designing and creating a homecoming poster to hang on the lunch room windows - Students must be supervised and working in or near the class sponsor’s room; the best time for this to happen is Flex period, but students can work at other times as long as the sponsor is able to supervise and the students do not have class conflicts - All materials must be obtained by the class sponsor; students are not allowed to go to Mr. Kasik’s room or get materials themselves - Posters need to be done before school starts on Monday, September 25; posters will be judged and winners will be announced at the Homecoming Pep Rally

Homecoming Week Homecoming week is September 25-29. Theme: We’re Bright, We’re Outta Sight, Gators Gonna Win Tonight Dress Up Days: - Monday - Neon - Tuesday - Decades - Wednesday - USA/Patriotic - Thursday - Barbie and Ken - Friday - Gator Spirit Pep Rally (K-12) - Monday 1:00 PM Coronation Practice (Court) - Wednesday 2:26 (Flex) Class Games (9-12) - Wednesday 3:00 PM Coronation - Friday 6:30 PM (Before the football game) Dance (Grades 9-12; Admission: $5) - Friday 9:00 PM

Seniors and Sophomores... a representative will be here on September 28th to give sophomores information regarding class ring purchasing and meet with seniors regarding graduation gown sizing. Announcements will be made during flex for each meeting.

The registration deadline for the October 28th ACT is September 22nd. Test fee waivers are available for qualifying students. Register at See Mrs. Reese if you have questions.

FFA shirt order forms are available at the front office. Orders are due by Friday, September 29th.

Seniors attending Close-Up your first payment is due Wednesday, September 20th... Please see Mr. Cornell with any questions.

Lunch Menu Change... Monday, September 18th meal choice will be Crispito only. Friday, September 22nd will be choice of Meal-Corn Dog or Alternate Meal Choice-Potato Bar.

NHS elementary reading lab: Thursday - Laura, and Friday - Austin. Readers still needed for Thursday, September 28.