Wisner-Pilger Jr.-Sr. High School Bulletin for Wednesday, October 21, 2020


FFA Fruit sales are here! FFA members are selling fruit, meat, cheese, chocolates, candy and honey as part of their annual fundraiser. Contact a FFA member or Mr. Overturf to make an order.

Girls PE will meet in the new (North) gym. Please dress accordingly.

The juniors are selling Village Maker pies as a fundraiser for prom. Pies are $16 each and will be delivered right before Thanksgiving. If you would like a pie, please let a junior or Mrs. Olson (kolson@igators.org) know. Thank you!

There will be an informational high school wrestling meeting for students planning to wrestle and those who are interested in coming out. We will meet on Wednesday (TODAY), October 21st right at 2:40 in the wrestling room.

Juniors... please pick up your pie fundraising packet from the front office by the end of the day on Wednesday. Orders are due to the office no later than Wednesday, November 3rd. Pies will be delivered right before Thanksgiving break. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Olson at kolson@igators.org.

Softball Players... please turn in uniforms to Mr. Polk before or after school before Oct. 28.

There will be a short Student Council meeting during flex on Wednesday (Today) in the cafeteria.

The University of Nebraska at Kearney admissions rep will be here TODAY during lunch. Please stop by to see what UNK has to offer.

Volleyball Players, Managers and Coaches... you have district goodie bags in the front office. Items may be taken from the bags each day after school and you may take the bag on Monday. Good Luck in Sub-district play!!

Juniors... the following juniors still need to turn in their obligation sheet as soon as possible. Zack Anderson, Devon Field, Alan Mares, William McNutt, Anthony Palmer, and William Schraeder. If you need a new sheet, stop by the front office.

NHS Readers: Thursday - Breana. Readers for next week... Monday - Beau, Tuesday - Spencer, Wednesday - reader needed, Thursday - Macy, and Friday - Ella, Lily